Refereed Papers
- DES Collaboration, KiDS Collaboration, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2023). DES Y3 + KiDS-1000: Consistent cosmology combining cosmic shear surveys. OJA, 6, 36.
- Chang Y-Y, Lin L-H, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2022). SDSS-IV MaNGA: Unveiling Galaxy Interaction by Merger Stages with Machine Learning. ApJ, 937, 97.
- Tröster T, Asgari M, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2021). KiDS-1000 Cosmology: constraints beyond flat ΛCDM. A&A, 649, A88.
- Hildebrandt H, van den Busch J L, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2021). KiDS-1000 catalogue: Redshift distributions and their calibration. A&A, 647, A124.
- Heymans C, Tröster T, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2021). KiDS-1000 Cosmology: Multi-probe weak gravitational lensing and spectroscopic galaxy clustering constraints. A&A, 646, A140.
- Asgari M, Lin C-A, Joachimi B, Giblin B, et al. (2021). KiDS-1000 Cosmology: Cosmic shear constraints and comparison between two point statistics. A&A, 645, A104.
- Giblin B, Heymans C, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2021). KiDS-1000 catalogue: weak gravitational lensing shear measurements. A&A, 645, A105.
- Joachimi B, Lin C-A, Asgari M, Tröster T, et al. (2021). KiDS-1000 Methodology: Modelling and inference for joint weak gravitational lensing and spectroscopic galaxy clustering analysis. A&A, 646, A129.
- Dvornik A, Hoekstra H, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2020). KiDS+GAMA: The weak lensing calibrated stellar-to-halo mass relation of central and satellite galaxies. A&A, 642, A83.
- Asgari M, Tröster T, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2020). KiDS+VIKING-450 and DES-Y1 combined: Mitigating baryon feedback uncertainty with COSEBIs. A&A, 634, A127.
- Heydenreich S, Schneider P, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2020). The effects of varying depth in cosmic shear surveys. A&A, 634, A104.
- Tröster T, Sánchez A, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2020). Cosmology from large-scale structure: Constraining ΛCDM with BOSS. A&A, 633, L10.
- Dalmasso N, Lee A B, ..., Lin C-A (2020). Validation of Approximate Likelihood and Emulator Models for Computationally Intensive Simulations. PMLR, 108, 3349.
- Lin C-A & Kilbinger M (2018). Quantifying systematics from the shear inversion on weak-lensing peak counts. A&A, 614, A36.
- Beck R, Lin C-A, Ishida E E O, Gieseke F, et al. (2017). On the realistic validation of photometric redshifts. MNRAS, 468, 4323.
- Peel A, Lin C-A, Lanusse F, Leonard A, et al. (2017). Cosmological constraints with weak lensing peak counts and second-order statistics in a large-field survey. A&A, 599, A79.
- Lin C-A, Kilbinger M, & Pires S (2016). A new model to predict weak-lensing peak counts III. Filtering technique comparisons. A&A, 593, A88.
- Pierre M, Pacaud F, ..., Lin C-A, et al. (2016). The XXL Survey: I. Scientific motivations - XMM-Newton observing plan - Follow-up observations and simulation programme. A&A, 592, A1.
- Lin C-A & Kilbinger M (2015b). A new model to predict weak-lensing peak counts II. Parameter constraint strategies. A&A, 583, A70.
- Lin C-A & Kilbinger M (2015a). A new model to predict weak-lensing peak counts I. Comparison with $N$-body simulations. A&A, 576, A24.
- Imperial Cosmology Seminar, remote, Jun 2020.
- NTNU Astronomy Seminar, Taipei, Jun 2020. (Invited)
- LPSC Seminar, Grenoble, France, Nov 2019.
- NTHU Cosmology Seminar, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep 2019. (Invited)
- CosmoGold IAP 2019: The golden age of cosmology from Planck to Euclid, Paris, Jun 2019.
- Likelihood-Free Inference Workshop, New York City, Mar 2019.
- LPC Seminar, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Oct 2018. (Invited)
- DAp Cosmology Seminar, Saclay, France, Oct 2018.
- UCL Cosmology Seminar, London, Sep 2018.
- Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology, Valencia, May 2018.
- Statistical Challenges for Large-scale Structure in the Era of LSST, Oxford, Apr 2018.
- Cosmology Seminar, Durham, UK, Apr 2018. (Invited)
- KiDS Busy Week, Edinburgh, Feb 2018.
- Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic Workshop XIV, Durham, UK, Jan 2018.
- UTD Cosmology Seminar, Dallas, USA, Jun 2016. (Invited)
- Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy VI, Pittsburgh, USA, Jun 2016.
- Euclid Consortium Meeting, Lisbon, Jun 2016.
- Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology, Chania, Greece, May 2016.
- IAP Cosmology Seminar, Paris, Sep 2015.
- IAS Cosmology Seminar, Orsay, France, Jan 2015. (Invited)
- ASIAA Seminar, Taipei, Jan 2015.
- International Workshop on Cosmology and Sparsity 2, Nice, Sep 2014.
- Euclid Consortium Meeting, Marseille, May 2014.
- Invited lecturer, Parameter Inference in Astronomy, full 2020, National Taiwan Normal University.
- Workshop leader, Introductory Astronomy, 2019-2020, University of Edinburgh.
- Summer intern: Shiming Gu, summer 2018, University of Edinburgh.
- Teaching assistant, Nonlinear Optics MOOC, 2014-2016, École Polytechnique.
- Instructor, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, spring 2015, École Polytechnique.
- High school project supervisor, Matière noire, fall 2014.
- Instructor, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics, spring 2013, École Polytechnique.
- High school level tutor, 2009-2010, Collège Saint-François, France.
Service works
- Paper reviewer for PRD.
- Seminar organizer of the "Coffee Talks" institute seminar series, since 2018, University of Edinburgh.
- Seminar organizer of the "CosmoClub" group seminar series, 2015-2016, CEA Saclay.
- PhD student representative for the SAp/AIM Laboratory Council, 2014-2016, CEA Saclay.
- Scientific translation consulting for the French version of the science fiction trilogy The Three-Body Problem, The Dark Forest, and Death's End, 2016-2018.
- Video: Labouret T, Pinilo M, & Lin C-A (2016). Dessine ta thèse 2 - La déformation des galaxies. Video in French with English subtitles.
- Article: Lin C-A (2015). Popular Astrophysics from Interstellar. Taiwan Natural Science, 125, 84.
- Outreach speaker, 2013-2014, Palais de la découverte, Paris.